Anschutz FAC 9mm Garden Gun Single Barrel shotgun.
Webley and Scott bolt action .410 Game/Vermin shotgun.
BSA Miniature rifle Number 2 Model folding (pocket) pattern in .22 shot.
Webley and Scott .410 bolt action Game/Vermin gun
Baikal Model 27E-1C 12G over and under single selective trigger ejector with two barrel sets.
BSA Italian Game/Vermin 20G folding single barrel shotgun
Breda Acciaio Speciale 20G folding single barrel shotgun
Yildiz SPZME .410 Left handed Game/Sporting over and under shotgun
Yildiz SPZME Junior Game/Sporting 28G Left Handed over and under MC
Yildiz SPZME Junior 28G Game/Sporting SSTE MC over and under
Webley and Scott .410 Game/Vermin bolt action shotgun
.410 Webley and Scott Game/Vermin bolt action shotgun
Browning Citori Game/Sporting 12G SSTE Multichoke over and under.
Yildiz SPZME .410 Junior Game/Sporting MC SSTE over and under.
Sabatti Game/Sporting 12G over and under shotgun
Yildiz SPZME Junior 20G Left handed Game/Sporting SSTE.
Webley and Scott .410 bolt action Game/Vermin gun
Yildiz 20G Model SPZME Junior over and under SSTE MC.
Gardone Game/Vermin .410 folding single barrel
AYA Number 3 Game 20G boxlock non-ejector side by side.
Webley and Scott 9mm Garden/Vermin bolt action shotgun
Baikal IJ-18M-M .410 single barrel shotgun
Modern Arms Co 9mm bolt action Garden/Vermin gun.
Baikal IZH-27EM-1C 20G Multichoke over and under.
Yildiz TSE Game 12G single selective trigger ejector shotgun
Webley and Scott Game/Vermin .410 bolt action shotgun.
Webley and Scott 9mm bolt action Garden/Vermin gun.
Web-Tac 12G Tactical section 1 semi auto shotgun.
Hatsan Escort Magnum Wood 20G semi auto shotgun.
Sabatti Game/Sporting 20G single trigger ejector.
Manuarm Garden gun 9mm bolt action.
New Yildiz SPZME Junior 20G Multichoke single selective trigger ejector.
Anschutz 9mm Garden/Vermin gun bolt action.
Webley and Scott 9mm Garden/Vermin gun
Webley and Scott 9mm Garden/Vermin bolt action shotgun.
Unknown Vermin 9mm bolt action shotgun.
Austrian .22 bolt action Vermin shotgun
Anschutz Modell 1365 9mm bolt action Vermin shotgun.
Investarm Deluxe 20G over and under single trigger non ejector.
Miroku 800 Field 20G single selective trigger ejector.
BSA Italian Game/Vermin 20G folding single barrel shotgun.
Norica 20G folding single barrel hammergun.
Italian Game/Vermin 20G folding single barrel shotgun
Rossi Game/Vermin 20G single hammer ejector shotgun
BSA Italian 20G Folding single barrel shotgun.
Pedretti Game/Vermin 20G single barrel folding shotgun.
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If you can't find what your looking for please Contact me, as we usually have a good selection used small bore shotguns for sale, from gun makers such as AYA, Baikal, Beretta, Browning, Investarm, Hatsan, Remington and Webley & Scott.